Our mission is to provide quality name brand wear in a variety of sizes and design to accommodate varying body style and shape. We also want to help women to be who they are and be confident in their own skin by providing the latest fashion focusing not only in style but comfort.
Our clothing line are all internationally imported mainly from the US and Australia, and carefully selected for top notch quality where some selection may include lines inspired by Queen Latifah, Baby Phat, Apple Bottoms and may other brands soon to come. With taking baby steps, urban-cottage.blogspot strives to embark an expansion. Being a new and uprising blog site, not only are we targeting to become a central hub for online shopping activities, we strive to open our store in the near future to provide better service and convenience and improving our present and future services to satisfy your needs and desires.
Our projection for the future is to bring in more products not only for women but also for men , and as well as providing other services to suit the customer's needs and satisfaction.
This blog is dedicated to all the fashionista who are seeking style, beauty and elegance no matter what their size is.
"Being beautiful is not only skin deep, but portrayed in style in style, comfort & elegance"